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Analytics: Why it matters?


new technology

The entrepreneurs today are smart, they know to avoid the common mistakes. However, small business leaders have often felt left behind by the growing acceptance of analytics, fearing that their workforce, customer base, or operations were too small to justify the cost. Although this view is short-sighted, it’s entirely understandable. Budgets are usually so tight that it’s difficult to take money from one department to pay for a new solution when ROI is not 100% predictable.

The entrepreneurs today are smart, they know to avoid the common mistakes. However, small business leaders have often felt left behind by the growing acceptance of analytics, fearing that their workforce, customer base, or operations were too small to justify the cost. Although this view is short-sighted, it’s entirely understandable. Budgets are usually so tight that it’s difficult to take money from one department to pay for a new solution when ROI is not 100% predictable.

How should I use analytics?

How should I use analytics?

most important data
If we consider an examples, the main goal of an online jewellery store is to make sales via website, which is different from a consultant who is using their website to give information about their business.

The online retailer would shift his/her focus on the conversion metrics such as number of purchases made online, whereas the consultant is probably going to be looking at engagement metrics, such as time spent on site and number of pages visited.

The online retailer would shift his/her focus on the conversion metrics such as number of purchases made online, whereas the consultant is probably going to be looking at engagement metrics, such as time spent on site and number of pages visited.

Once decided, you can set up scheduled reports to be emailed to you within a specific time frame. Regular update on the website data, will help you track the progress. If you have a business with seasonal variation, it may be worth creating year-on-year reports, allowing you to compare the current month to the same month the previous year.

Once decided, you can set up scheduled reports to be emailed to you within a specific time frame. Regular update on the website data, will help you track the progress. If you have a business with seasonal variation, it may be worth creating year-on-year reports, allowing you to compare the current month to the same month the previous year.

Opportunity for growth

Opportunity for growth

Analytics are extremely important for a number of different reasons. The main reason being, once you understand your visitors’ behavior you can optimize your website to improve results.

Analytics are extremely important for a number of different reasons. The main reason being, once you understand your visitors’ behavior you can optimize your website to improve results.

Going back to the example of the online jewelry seller, looking at their visitors’ path to purchase would be a great start for conversion metrics. By checking the common trend, like which page is getting highest traction, which page isn’t doing that great. You can custom the dashboard to get the best of the data you have.

Going back to the example of the online jewelry seller, looking at their visitors’ path to purchase would be a great start for conversion metrics. By checking the common trend, like which page is getting highest traction, which page isn’t doing that great. You can custom the dashboard to get the best of the data you have.
analytics innovation

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